Business Plan Modelling Using Excel 2010/2013/365
Enquire About This Course
We are currently delivering Online Business Plan Modelling with Excel training via our Virtual Classroom - see our websites for more info:
- Designed for Accountants who have had limited involvement in business planning on Excel and require more competence in business planning technique
- Maximise flexibility and business model dynamics while incorporating future needs
- It enables participants to compete for support and resources with the aid of a convincing plan either internally or for their clients.

Participants must have a good knowledge of Excel basics (including Excel functions such as IF, Choose, etc.). It will be assumed that participants understand the principle rules in working with Interactive Spreadsheets and have a knowledge of or have attended the Intermediate Excel course.
Course Content
- Building the detailed working sheet and importing workings from subsidiary schedules
- Dealing with capital expenditure and funding
- Developing Profit & Loss, Balance Sheets and Cash Flows and manipulating these with minimum level inputs
- Sensitivity analyses, goal seeking and scenario setting
- Preparing formulae to relate accounting concepts in spreadsheets
- Building checks and balances to ensure model integrity throughout workbooks
Click here to download:
Business Plan Modelling Using Excel
This course is for Advanced Excel users. Please complete our Excel Competency Checklist, return to us and we will advise if you are eligible to attend this course.
Excel Competency Checklist
Enquire About This Course