Excel Core MOS Exam Skill
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Exam skill standards are categories of examination tasks, identified by subject-matter experts, that certify an ability to productively use Microsoft Office Programmes. These categories are organised within skill sets representing the more basic functions of each Office Programme.
Exam skill standards and skill sets for the Microsoft Office Word exam are provided below to assist in your exam preparation.
Creating Data and Content
- Enter and edit cell content
- Locate specific cell content
- Locate, and supporting information
- position, and size graphics
Analyzing Data
- Filter lists using the AutoFilter feature
- Sort lists
- and modify formulas
- Use statistical, date and time, financial, and logical functions
- Create, modify, and position diagrams and charts based on worksheet data
Formatting Data and Content
- Apply and modify cell formats
- Apply and modify cell styles
- Modify row and column formats
- Format worksheets
Managing Workbooks
- Create new workbooks from templates
- , and move cells
- Create and modify hyperlinks
- Organize worksheets
- Preview data in other views
- Customize window layout
- Setup pages for printing
- Print data
- Organize workbooks using file folders
- Save data in appropriate formats for different uses
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Excel Core Microsoft Office Specialist Exam Skill Standards
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