Powerpoint MOS Exam Skill Standards
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Exam skill standards are categories of examination tasks, identified by subject-matter experts, that certify an ability to productively use Microsoft Office Programmes. These categories are organised within skill sets representing the more basic functions of each Office Programme.
Exam skill standards and skill sets for the Microsoft Office Word exam are provided below to assist in your exam preparation.
Creating Content
- Create new presentations from templates
- and edit text-based content
- tables, charts, and diagrams
- pictures, shapes, and graphics
- objects
Formatting Content
- Format text-based content
- Format pictures, shapes, and graphics
- Format slides
- Apply animation schemes
- Apply slide transitions
- Customize slide templates
- Work with masters
- Track, accept, and reject changes in a presentation
- Add, edit, and comments in a presentation
- Compare and merge presentations
Managing and Delivering Presentations
- Organize a presentation
- Set up slide shows for delivery
- Rehearse timing
- Deliver presentations
- Prepare presentations for remote delivery
- Save and publish presentations
- Print slides, outlines, handouts, and speaker notes
- Export a presentation to another Microsoft Office program
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PowerPoint Microsoft Office Specialist Exam Skill Standards
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